
Clinical health psychology is an applied discipline that focuses on the psychological wellbeing of people with a health condition.

Psychological assessment and therapies can help prevent, manage, or treat physical health conditions.

Clinical health psychology is concerned with emotional problems and behavioural challenges that may coexist or be a consequence of a physical illnesses.

The Golden Jubilee University National Hospital’s psychology team provides dedicated services to the following departments:

  • Orthopaedics
  • Scottish National Advanced Heart Failure Service (SNAHFS)
  • Scottish Adult Congenital Cardiac Service (SACCS)
  • Scottish Pulmonary Vascular Unit (SPVU)

If you would like more information about the role psychology can play in your treatment, please ask a member of your care team.

Psychology Patient Information

Title Extension Size Topic
Psychological wellbeing in heart failure V1 pdf 814.13 KB Heart
psychological wellbeing in congenital heart disease v1 pdf 567.05 KB Heart
Clinical psychology v3 pdf 890.14 KB Heart
Clinical psychology in orthopaedic surgery v2 pdf 577.76 KB Orthopaedic