Home Hospital CfSD Research Hotel


About us

Who we treat

We're a pretty unique hospital, so who can come here?
We only diagnose and treat NHS patients, but we do it in a lot of different ways depending on the service provided.

 Patients who must come here

  • If you live in Scotland, you will automatically come here if you have been referred to our national services:
    • Scottish Adult Congenital Cardiac Service (SACCS)
    • Scottish National Advanced Heart Failure Service (SNAHFS)
    • Scottish Pulmonary Vascular Unit (SPVU)
  • If you live in the West of Scotland, you will automatically come here if you need heart or lung surgery.
  • If you live in specific parts of the West of Scotland, you will automatically come here if you need treatment for STEMI and NSTEMI heart attacks

 Patients who may come here

  • Anyone, living anywhere in Scotland, can be referred by their local NHS board for an operation or diagnostic test in range of specialties. Find out about what we do.
  • If you have to wait locally for any of our specialties, you can ask to come here.
  • If you live in specific areas and require a particular procedure, you will automatically come here for all of your appointments.

   enquiries@gjnh.scot.nhs.uk        Hospital Switchboard 0141 951 5000