The Golden Jubilee University National Hospital is Scotland's flagship hospital for reducing waiting times.
As a national resource, we receive referrals for patients who need an endoscopy from different parts of Scotland to help and assist local Health Boards.
We carry out around 3,000 endoscopies a year for both diagnostic (where the purpose of the procedure is to help determine a diagnosis) and therapeutic (where we may treat any issues we see during the procedure) reasons.
Ensuring patients are well cared for, in a safe and comfortable environment, is our top priority.
What is an endoscopy?
An endoscopy is a procedure which allows the doctor or nurse to visually inspect your gastrointestinal tract using a video camera attached to the end of a long thin flexible tube.
- Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (also known as OGD or Gastroscopy) includes examination of the oesophagus (food pipe or gullet), stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small bowel).
- Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy) is an examination of the colon (large bowel).
Location within Golden Jubilee National University Hospital
We have three different areas for patients to have their endoscopy procedure within our hospital.
If you are attending our hospital for an endoscopy, your letter will confirm whether this will be carried out within the main hospital building (Level 3), or in our Vanguard Unit, which is situated outside the front door of the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel (which is joined on to the hospital).
The same staff carry out the procedure, whether in the main building or the Vanguard Unit, using the same techniques and types of equipment.
Before and During your Procedure
Before your procedure, a member of our team will come and speak to you about the process, and ask you for your consent to proceed. You are very welcome to ask any questions at this, or any other stage.
The member of staff who will undertake your endoscopy will introduce themselves, and will talk to you throughout the procedure, to explain what they are doing, and to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.
Questions or Problems After Your Procedure
Once your procedure is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area, where staff will care for you until you are ready to be discharged. Again, you are welcome to ask any questions, and our staff will be happy to address these for you.
When you leave, you will be given a copy of your endoscopy report.
In case of an emergency after you have been discharged, please attend your local Accident and Emergency Department, and take the copy of your endoscopy report with you.
The Team
Endoscopies are all carried out by a dedicated team of doctors and nurses who are fully trained and able to undertake endoscopies within our hospital.
When you arrive for your procedure, the clinician or nurse undertaking it will introduce themselves to you.
We are also a teaching hospital and so, with your consent, a trainee may be present or undertake your procedure, under the supervision of a fully qualified endoscopist.
Endoscopy Patient Information
Title | Extension | Size | Topic |
Colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy (post op) 6 | 552.67 KB | General surgery | |
Pre procedure instructions for gastroscopy Instructions v14 | 588.77 KB | General surgery | |
Post procedure instructions for gastroscopy V7 | 556.96 KB | General surgery | |
Colonoscopy and Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Instructions (pre op) v14 | 680.64 KB | General surgery |