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This is the official accessibility statement for the Golden Jubilee University National Hospital. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us.
Where possible, this web site has been authored in accordance with worldwide accessibility standards published by the W3C. It has been developed to comply with XHTML 1.0 Transitional using the W3C mark-up validator. All stylesheets should validate using W3C CSS validator. All pages on this site attempt to comply with WCAG AA approved, complying with priority 1 and 2 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
All content images include descriptive ALT attributes.
A site map link features in the footer and allows the user to view the map of the entire The Golden Jubilee National Hospital site.
Wherever possible, links are written to make sense out of context. Some browsers for example JAWS, Lynx and Opera can extract the list of links on a page and allow the user to browse the list separately.
A "breadcrumb" trail feature is provided to help you navigate the site and show you where you are at any time. The trail is featured at the top of the main content of every page.
This website aims to conform with the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines priority 1 and 2. If you experience any accessibility issues, please contact us.
If you prefer the font size on The NHS Golden Jubilee website pages to be larger or smaller, you can control this using the functions on every page or through your browser settings. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer on a PC go to the View menu and select 'Text Size'. For users of Safari on the Mac go to the View menu then choose the preferred option.
Some of our material(including leaflets and publications) is provided in the form of a PDF file. To view these documents through your browser you will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader software; this free software can be installed automatically for you if it is not available on your system by going to the Adobe web site.
BrowseAloud is a special program that reads you the content of web pages. It is useful for people who find it difficult to read from computer screens and can make using the Internet easier for people who have:
To use this package, follow these simple steps:
WelcoMe is a disability aware customer service solution. This empowering, accessible and inclusive staff training tool, helps our disabled patients to feel confident when visiting our Hospital.
Our customer service team will know your requirements in advance of your visit and relevant information about your condition provided by leading charities in the relevant areas before you come through our door.
Click here to start your journey We've designed this landing page for NHS Golden Jubilee where your patients can find more information about WelcoMe and links to download the app.
Gavin Neate, Founder and CEO: "Anxiety about travel and arrival will be a major factor in access to and use of the health sector for many disabled people as we transition through lockdown. WelcoMe aims to reduce this anxiety by providing a service that supports the disabled person arrival whilst at the same time supporting the staff member in the provision of service. As a Scottish company, we could not be more proud that Golden Jubilee will be the first Hospital in the UK to employ this award-winning technology and we look forward to helping the NHS build back even stronger than they were before".