All complaints and concerns are handled and reviewed by operational managers and clinical staff.
Please be assured that all enquiries will be processed as soon as possible. All feedback is taken very seriously, and we will get back to you when we can.
Where possible, please contact us about any complaints or concerns by emailing
There are a number of ways to tell us your views about a recent experience at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital:
In line with our organisational values, all comments left on Care Opinion and our website and social media channels will be moderated to ensure all content is constructive, relevant and civil: no foul language, abusive content, harassment or bullying of any form will be tolerated.
If you have a concern about any aspect of your care we would strongly encourage you to discuss this with a member of staff as often these issues can be quickly resolved.
We apologise if your care experience has not met your expectations we would welcome the opportunity to review this and use the learning to improve.
If you would like to discuss your concerns further and/ or you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact us using the options below:
The following documents provide information about the complaints procedure:
To contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO):
Independent advice is also available from the following: Hospital Switchboard 0141 951 5000