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Patient Hub

Confirming your place on NHS Golden Jubilee’s patient waiting list

NHS Golden Jubilee is piloting the use of a quick, safe and secure digital service to ensure our patient waiting lists are up to date.

The service is being provided by the Golden Jubilee University National Hospital’s Patient Coordination Centre using Netcall’s online Patient Hub.

Patients who have provided a mobile telephone number will receive a text message from NHS-NoReply containing a secure link. Please note that we are unable to receive calls or texts to this number.

This text message service allows us to contact large groups of patients at once to find out if they still need an appointment or operation and will:

  • Improve communication and engagement with you, allowing you to comment on your needs when requesting to stay or be removed from the waiting list.
  • Reduce administrative validation of waiting lists.
  • Reduce the number of phone calls needed to validate our waiting lists.
  • Reduce printing and postage costs associated with sending letters – allowing the savings to be reinvested in our clinical services. ​​​​​

Click here to find out how it works.

Click here to find out about data security.

Click here to download all of this information in our patient information leaflet.

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