Spiritual Care and Wellbeing services are open to patients, visitors and staff.
What we offer:
Requesting a visit from a chaplain ask switchboard to page the chaplain or please email us at: Spiritual Care
Caring for the whole person is important within healthcare with spiritual and religious care being one aspect of that.
Spiritual care is usually given in a one to one relationship, is completely person centred and makes no assumptions about personal conviction or life orientation.
Religious care is given in the context of shared religious beliefs, values, liturgies and lifestyle of a faith community.
Whether your approach to life is based on faith or philosophy we are here for you.
Where we are located:
The Spiritual Care and Wellbeing Centre is located on the ground floor just before you enter the hotel from the hospital. We encourage people of all denominations, faiths and philosophies. It is regarded as a quiet zone, with areas to think, pray as well as providing information and inspirational literature.
Who we are:
You thoughts/comments/experiences of our spiritual care services is always welcome.
You can contact us by emailing: Spiritual Care or alternatively by emailing: Feedback