We will write to you to confirm your appointment time and date and provide any other necessary information. We will also write to explain how your treatment time will be affected, if you:
- refuse two or more offers of an appointment;
- do not attend an appointment;
- cancel an agreed appointment after previously accepting it;
- let us know about any period of unavailability e.g. if you are going on holiday.
Our letters to you will always include a contact number that you can use to get in touch with us.
While we aim to make sure that all of our patients are seen within the 12-week legal guarantee, there may be occasions where this is not possible. Therefore, if we exceed your treatment time guarantee, we will:
- offer you the next available appointment taking your availability and other relevant factors into account;
- provide you with an explanation of why we did not treat you within 12 weeks;
- provide you with details of the advice and support available; and
- provide you with information on how to give feedback, raise concerns or complain.